The portal host name and port can be used to access the cache monitor application. 门户主机名称和端口可以用来访问高速缓存监控器应用程序。
Verify ( or change) the host name and node name. 验证(或更改)主机名和节点名。
Using nslookup can provide host name information as well as IP addresses associated with the host name. 使用nslookup可以提供主机名信息以及与主机名关联的IP地址。
This means that you need a second host name for the server SPN that you want to use. 这意味着需要为要使用的服务器SPN指定第二个主机名。
You need to specify the host name or IP address of the full repository queue manager. 您需要指定完整存储库队列管理器的主机名称或IP地址。
When used, this option restricts the access to TCP services based on the host name or IP address. 这个选项根据主机名或IP地址限制对TCP服务的访问。
Doing so requires a host name or IP address and a user name. 这需要主机名或IP地址和一个用户名。
Developers are used to that host name, but then by evolution, the server is clustered. 开发人员习惯了该主机名,但随着一步步的发展,服务器已经集群化了。
The host name can be a DNS name or an IP address. 主机名可以是DNS名或IP地址。
Normally, each node has a host name that is identical to the node name. 在一般情况下,每个节点有一个与节点名相同的主机名。
Tip: The host name and port number must match the target process server. 提示:主机名和端口号必须匹配目标流程服务器。
A host name is associated with a network adapter. 主机名与一个网络适配器相关联。
The host name can map to only one IP address. 主机名只能映射到一个IP地址。
Each network adapter should be configured with a boot address and associated host name. 每个网络适配器应该配置一个引导地址和相关联的主机名。
In the Host name ( or IP address) field, type the IP address of your instance. 在主机名(或IP地址)字段中输入您实例的IP地址。
Specify the host name and port number of the back-end MDM Server. 指定后台MDMServer的主机名和端口号。
Right-click on the zone just created and select Enter the host name and the IP address of the host. 右键单击刚刚创建的区域,并选择输入主机的主机名和IP地址。
This field should be retrieved from the certificate and verified against the host name. 这个字段应该从证书中进行检索,并根据主机名进行验证。
Verify that this host name can be resolved from another computer, and then click Next. 确认可以从另一台计算机解析这个主机名,然后点击Next。
The output of the command should tell you the host name assigned to this IP address. 这个命令的输出应该告诉您分配给这个IP地址的主机名。
A host name should be viewed as being independent from any node, managed system, or data center. 应该认为主机名是独立于任何节点、受管理系统或数据中心的。
You must enter a value for host name. 您必须为主机名称输入一个值。
The destination is specified by the host name and port number. 目标由主机名和端口号指定。
The host name specified in the URI formed by combining. 组合形成的uri中指定的主机名无效。
On the next window, enter the node name and host name for your installation. 在下一个窗口中,输入安装的节点名和主机名。
This property is true if a server name is a fully-qualified DNS host name. 如果服务器名称是完全限定的dns主机名,则此属性为。
The host name query in the certificate selection process may fail because of incorrect DNS or machine name configuration. 证书选择过程中的主机名查询可能由于dns或计算机名称的配置不正确而失败。
To use dns, you must specify a host name for your computer. 要使用dns,必须指定主机名。
This simple DLL used to get the System IP Address and Host Name of the Computer. Try IT. 这个简单的DLL可以获取系统的ip地址和计算机的主机名。
This is the host name of the reverse proxy server. 这是反向代理服务器的主机名。